Simpro Walkie Stackers & Trucks
The tiny semi-electric lifter & stacker.

The Microstacker is a tiny semi-electric lifter and stacker from Simpro, with modular lifting arms to suit a range of bins, capsules, crates and rolls. It is ideal for logistics and manufacturing applications where objects weighing up to 150kg need to be moved, stacked, stored in racking or loaded into trucks.
Thanks to its triangular wheel layout, the Microstacker is easy to control on any surface and can turn in its own length, making it ideal for use in trucks and other constricted spaces. The stacker also features a unique single-mast design which gives the operator excellent visibility, and can lift to a maximum height of 2000mm.
As standard, the Microstacker is produced from mild steel with a powdercoated finish, but stainless steel construction is available for machines which are to be used in corrosive or hygiene-critical environments. All models have a reliable Simpro electro-hydraulic mechanism, a sealed gel battery and an integrated digital charger for hassle-free charging.
Like all Simpro products, the Microstacker is designed to withstand intensive daily use with little or no maintenance.

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