Lift Tables

SAFETECH Turntables

Palletising and workstation turntables


Turntables are a simple path to safer manual handling and eliminate the need for stretching when loading or unloading product. Ideal for areas where more complex lifting equipment can’t be used turntables are inexpensive and durable. Goods are simply placed on the turntable and then manually rotated to avoid stretching across the load.

Safetech Turntables are also available mounted to stands (300 & 500mm) and are regularly fixed to scissor lifts for workstation and pallet loading applications.


The Paldisc is unique to Safetech and provides rotation of up to 2,000 kg and an ultra-low turntable height of only 24 mm – ideal for use with hand pallet trucks.


The Palring is an affordable, robust, easy to use turntable – ideal for use alongside conveyor, feeding hoppers, extruders, process and production equipment.

Other applications include, manual palletising / depalletising and loading / unloading stillages, bins.

  • Palring is a tough, affordable turntable with 2,000 kg capacity that won’t bind or tighten under load. Easy to use, galavanised and available in 900 mm or 1,100 mm diameter models.
Paldisc Turntable
Paldisc Turntable
Palring Turntable
Palring Turntable

Manual Handling Applications

  • Manual palletising or depalletising.
  • Loading or unloading of stillages, containers, bins, bags, bricks, tiles.
  • Commonly used alongside conveyor, feeding hoppers, extruders, process and production equipment.


  • Both turntables can be purchased for use on lift tables or other platforms as rotational aids.
  • Extra heavy duty.


  • Turntables are extremely safe but care must be taken to avoid stepping on the top surface to avoid slipping.

Download SAFETECH Turntable brochure

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